Dates: 28-30 May 2013
Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland
Over 100 individuals – including 80 influential activists, academics and decision-makers, experts in nonviolent strategies for peace from more than twenty countries around the world – joined six Nobel Peace Laureates in Belfast to conduct a dialogue about women’s role in moving beyond militarism. This was the first time all six Laureates had been together.
Through plenary speeches, panel presentations and thematic table discussions, conference participants explored the root causes and the effects of militarism and war, as well as the nonviolent strategies women are undertaking to bring about change. The focus was on sharing strategies that work and exploring how these successful strategies can be effectively used elsewhere.
Hyper-militarization has consequences on peace processes all across the globe. The women who participated in the Belfast conference urged the world to move beyond militarization and invest in inclusive dialogues for peace.
Mairead Maguire (host)
Jody Williams
Shirin Ebadi
Leymah Gbowee
Rigoberta Menchu Túm
Tawakkol Karman
Find out more
Conference Report
Moving Beyond Militarism: Women-Driven Solutions for a Nonviolent World (pdf)
Jody Williams explains why women, war and peace
Mairead Maguire on the importance of discussing women, war & peace
Women beyond war opening panel
Media Coverage
Northern Ireland still a long way from peace, declares Nobel winner Mairead Maguire (Belfast Telegraph, 29 May 2013)
Nobel laureate Maguire rails against rendition flights (The Irish Times, 28 May 2013)
Six Nobel laureates attend Belfast peace conference (BBC, 27 May 2013)
Nobel conference: Peace promises are ‘yet to materialize (Belfast Telegraph, 28 May 2013)