Amy Lira

Partnership Coordinator

Amy is a Mexican feminist, artivist, advocate for survivors of sexual and intimate partner violence, human rights defender, speaker, gender-based violence advisor, actress and children acting teacher. She also has expertise in crisis intervention and community organizing. Amy has facilitated workshops and lectures on trauma and sexual violence, national and internationally.
Amy combines her artistic work with activism by collaborating with diverse feminist collectives and organizations. She is the director of advocacy at La Casa Mandarina AC, a Mexican independent organization devoted to end sexual violence and heal trauma through artivism and advocacy. Amy is the co-founder of Hablemos Fuerte y Claro AC (Let's Speak Loud and Clear), a feminist organization that defends LGBTTIQ+ rights by promoting sexual education for young people through theater and art. Amy is also a co-founder and actress of the theater company Las Diablas Cabaret that uses art and humor to create a social change.
Amy was a participant in the Sister to Sister Mentorship Program 2021 of the Nobel Women's Initiative (NWI)  and Coady Institute, a program that brings together women feminist leaders from around the world.
Amy holds a degree in Performing Arts from the National School of Theater (ENAT) and she graduated from the Diego Rivera Artistic Education Center (CEDART) with a specialty in Dance. Amy always believes in victims, and she wants to build a safer world for everyone; a world where survivors feel they are not alone. She loves to travel, dance, eat, meet new people and learn from them.