Nicole Mbambu Musimbi was an Associate for Africa Peacebuilding Programs at the Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP). A convener, collaborator, advocate, and leader in the global movement for women’s rights, gender equality, and sustainable peace, Nicole has been a member of GNWP’s Young Women Leaders for Peace in North Kivu, DRC since 2016. She has worked for local NGOs in the Eastern DRC to raise awareness of women’s contributions to sustainable development and peacebuilding in her community. She is a committed peace activist with insightful expertise on young women’s contributions to conflict prevention and peacebuilding. Most recently, Nicole co-launched the Youth, Peace and Security (YPS) Coalition in DRC, which ensured the ownership and leadership of Congolese youth in the development of the country’s first National Action Plan on YPS.
Furthermore, Nicole developed a Twitter bot to counter the violent and hateful speech within the Congolese Twittersphere; and initiated the Taji Network platform, whose mission is to contribute to challenging the negative narratives and the construction of resilient communities through storytelling.