“What I do is deeply meaningful. The small people, the little people, hand in hand, pooling our efforts – we changed history!”
“What I do is deeply meaningful. The small people, the little people, hand in hand, pooling our efforts – we changed history!”
"I have also learned that the word impossible is a lie. Nothing is impossible if you are driven by love and invest yourself fully. Hate will never have the last word. Not as long as we practice love."
It’s rare that policy analysts—wielding only data and research—become as influential or as beloved as Kate McInturff.
“We have to stop putting youth alone into forums with other youth who already know what the issues are and agree with one another. We have to put youth into spaces with people who disagree with them, even if it’s not a topic that’s related to young people, because all topics are related to young people.”
“We care about Yemen. So, we empower Yemeni women. And they empower Yemen.”
“I really think that women have the capacity, the will and the wisdom to come up with ideas that are different from men.”
"Yemeni women take a lot of bullets from men. They take on a lot of responsibilities and play a key role in reintegrating kids recruited by extremists and militants. Protecting our kids and reintegrating is the way we are going to heal our communities."
“I believe in thoughtful cinema—films that make you think, criticize and question yourself and your surroundings.”
“You have to be a loud national voice if you’re ever to get anything done.”
“Every time that I feel my life is at risk, or there’s a threat to my family, the attempt to dissuade me from doing my work motivates me to keep going ahead.”
"The great gift and power of art is that it enters and stays with people. It gives them a different way to hold the truth in their bodies."
"Women are often at the helm of historical movements, yet they remain invisible in our history books. And that has deep consequences for how we look at and understand history, our present, our future, and who our leaders are."
“Our parents lived in war, we were born in war, and some of us are ourselves having children in war. But we all have hope.”
“I was released, but I was not freed.”
“When I hear the voices of local women, grass roots women, women who are daily affected with the challenges of climate change and the challenges of how to take care of their families - they inspire me.”
"The struggle against patriarchal Syrian structure is also international – the struggle of all women in a world that gives very little attention to the voices of women and girls. Our struggle is not going to stop."
“The work was painful to me, but someone had to do it. As a member of my community, it was my duty.”