Dates: 20-21 April 2010
Location: Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
Catalysed by the impending 10-year Review Conference on the Rome Statute and the International Criminal Court (ICC), the Nobel Women’s Initiative, in collaboration with the Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice, convened a meeting of 50 women’s rights experts, gender experts, and legal practitioners to look at how to strengthen accountability for gender-based crimes. A shared global agenda for advancing gender justice was released at the end of the three-day meeting.
In conflict zones and fragile states inhumane political and military tactics subject women to devastating forms of gender-based violence. All the while, women are unable to have a say in the decisions impacting their lives. They are grossly under represented in governments worldwide and are being left out of peace processes. Yet, despite all attempts to silence them, women around the world can be heard tirelessly speaking up for peace, justice and equality for themselves, their families and their communities.
Nobel Women’s Initiative
Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice
Find out more
Media Release
International gathering of women calls for stronger ‘gender justice’
Session Videos
Welcome message from Brigid Inder, Executive Director of Women's Initiatives for Gender Justice
Day 1, Session 1: Peace Talks – Strategies and outcomes
Joanne Sandler, Deputy Executive Director, UNIFEM
Monica McWilliams, Chief Human Rights Commissioner, Northern Ireland
Esther Maria Gallego Zapata, National Coordinator Ruta Pacifica de las Mujeres, Colombia
Sarai Aharoni, Fellow, Hebrew University, Israel
Day 1, Session 2: Prosecutions and Jurisprudence – What have we achieved and what remains to be done
Dr. Kelly Askin Senior Legal Officer, Open Society Justice Initiative, Open Society Institute
Susana SaCouto Director, War Crimes Research Office, American University Washington College of Law
Day 1, Session 3: Women’s rights and peace advocates in conflict situations and fragile states.
Yanar Mohammed President, Organization of Women’s Freedom in Iraq
Thin Thin Aung Board Member, Women’s League of Burma
Gilda Maria Rivera Sierra Executive Coordinator, Centro de Derechos de Mujeres
Proceedings and reflections on Day One
Day 2, Session 1: Mandates and opportunities for justice and peace
Susannah Sirkin Deputy Director, Physicians for Human Rights, USA
Kristin Kalla Executive Director, ICC Trust Fund for Victims
Jody Williams Nobel peace laureate, Nobel Women’s Initiative
Informal Introduction to the International Criminal Court
Chavi Nana, Assistant to the Special Gender Advisor to the Prosecutor of the ICC
Laura Turquet and Joanne Sandler | Searching for gender justice
Sarai Aharoni | Implementing SCR 1325 – Lessons from Israel
Laura Carlsen | Within the hell of war lies a private hell