“I truly believe that humanity can drag itself from the pit of war, racism and discrimination. Violence is not inevitable; it is a learned behaviour, from which we can and will – and must – evolve.”
“I truly believe that humanity can drag itself from the pit of war, racism and discrimination. Violence is not inevitable; it is a learned behaviour, from which we can and will – and must – evolve.”
“When women are involved in peace processes, we focus on responsibility-sharing rather than power-sharing.”
“If I could tell my mother anything now, it would be ‘don’t worry: your fight lives on in me, in my brothers and sisters, and in our community.’”
“I was born into this, the work to protect who we are and to protect the water.”
“I could not look my children in the eye and live with the knowledge that I didn’t do anything to help my country.”
“Syrian women are very strong. After the war, they will be an important part of creating a new Syria.”
“How do we make sure that our mission for justice is not in its very process exploiting the stories and experiences of survivors – often racialized, marginalized, and othered people, especially women?”
“The idea developed along the way, but the mission was always to give visibility and show it was possible to travel around the country. We wanted to map out the implementation of the post-conflict ecosystem in Colombia.”
Eve was not tall enough
I'll pick all the apples.
- Asieh Amini
"For us feminism simply means social justice.”
“I believe we all hear a calling inside of us to give our life a broader dimension than our individual journeys, and I want to encourage us to listen to that voice.”
“We need to pursue our own healing while we're trying to heal the world.”
"I enjoy challenging unjust laws, especially where this makes significant and positive changes in people's lives.”
“Feminism, for me, is this comprehensive form of struggling against oppression and building up a world where we are all equal as human beings with the same value, the same importance and the same presence in this world.”
“Too often we see support going to the same people —instead of to women on the ground who are doing the real work.”
“The only compensation any activist should expect is posterity. Fight for others because others fought for you.”