Screening in Canada and the U.S.
Statement: Release Nasrin Sotoudeh
It is time to permanently and unconditionally release Nasrin and immediately drop all charges against her.
The Feminist Impact for Rights and Equality Consortium (FIRE): a new feminist collective is founded
FIRE has been formed to act as an accelerator for the realization of a feminist vision of peace and security.
42 Nobel Laureates call on Canadian Government to reject Teck Frontier Mine Proposal
The response to the climate crisis will define and destroy legacies in the coming years, and the qualifications for being on the right side of history are clear.
Delegation of Mexican Women Activists to visit Ottawa
A collaboration between Amnesty International Ottawa, the Latin American and Caribbean Studies Department at Carleton University, and the Nobel Women's Initiative.
Laureate Jody Williams travels to Colombia and Guatemala
Williams travels to Guatemala to visit the women who recently won a precedent setting verdict for sexual slavery.
Media Release: ICC offers hope of justice for women
Nobel peace laureates call for signatories to strengthen financial and political support to the International Criminal Court.
International gathering of women calls for stronger 'gender justice
50 feminist experts and leaders came together in Puerta Vallarta Mexico to build a global strategy for strengthening justice for women.
Media Release: International Tribunal of Burma calls for end to impunity for military regime
“The history of violence and oppression of women in Burma is long and sordid–and must come to an end.”